Monday, 1 April 2013

Evaluation 2

Evaluation 2 - How does your media product represent particular social groups?
  • My media product represents particular social groups in terms of the genre I have chosen / the appearance of my front cover. 
  • The genre of my magazine is Folk because of my chosen genre; it will only aim at social groups/ people who enjoy the genre. 
  • I assume people who are fans of the folk genre enjoy the sounds of artists such as; The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Mumford and Sons, Bon Iver city and colour etc.

In terms of representing a particular social group; I was aiming for those who actually enjoy the genre of folk. In terms of this I looked at past photoshoot’s with upcoming folk artists for inspiration for my photo shoot with one of my artists. On the right side we have the artist Lianne La Havas, and on the left Leah. By looking at the photos I was able to gain inspiration on how to mould my model into the correct form to express the genre folk. Not only this; but to see what clothing would be appropriate for a female of this genre. I chose the artist; Lianne La Havas because she’s an upcoming folk artist who has so far had a number one hit “is your love big enough” Not only because she is an upcoming artist, but because the way she represents the genre folk is through her clothing/beauty. I wanted to do the same with Leah, especially through her clothing and hair. From the picture on the right we can see that Lianne La Havas has her hands running through her hair and smiling with a sparkly dress on showing that she is humble yet happy. Not only this but the photo been taken outside and most likely during one of her gigs, whereas I have chosen to take a photo of my artist inside; I chose to take the photo of my artist inside to show that she is yet to still come out with her music but to also show her vulnerability in terms of how she has been posed. I wanted to portray her in a way that was subtle yet expressive. The clothing of my chosen artist is pretty basic to show that she isn’t above or below anyone; she is equal. Through the colours of her clothing it shows that she is mellow. As blue is the colour of serenity and calmness, this is shown through the way my model has been posed too enforcing that she is again showing her vulnerability.

I have not only shown vulnerability with this particular artist but through another artist. Aisha; whom you can again find in the contents page. This being because her face is covered by her hair, showing she is shy as well as vulnerable. Not only could it show vulnerability but a sense of insecurities, this particular artist may not like the way she looks therefore hides behind her hair. I wanted to aim my magazine at teenagers as well as the older generation in terms of my chosen genre. Teenagers because many people would assume that the genre is based for those who enjoy rock and roll because of it originating from those times; I however aimed it at the social groups which enjoy the old sound and know the true meaning behind the songs. Many female artists of the folk genre sing about their insecurities and mostly about true love artists such as Kate Walsh, Tracy Chapman etc.

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