Sunday, 20 January 2013

Double Page Spread - Flat Plan(s)
Whilst producing my double page spread, I started with one idea but I realized it was too basic and so I made two more flat plans experimenting and finally made one which is a mixture of the two.

My first flat plan consisted of me experimenting with where I wanted the text columns and the photos to be, adding the title and using arrows to move parts that I have drawn to a different place. I also played around with where I wanted the pull quote(s) to go.
Double Page Spread #1

My second flat plan consisted of me using more of a creative mindset to produce a different layout, one that isn't used as much but still very formal. I played around with using more than one photo on the DPS, and placing the pull quote in the middle of the page. In this particular flat plan I remembered to add the page numbers and to place the logo on the page, so it is relatable to the actual magazine/ cover. Within this double page spread I was aiming to get half of the page to just be the photo then the other half text like the magazine 'billboard'.
Double Page Spread #2

My third flat plan I completely changed the whole layout from the first two because I decided to add a character profile allowing the audience to get to know 'Toby' my chosen artist a bit better. I developed the character profile more on my final flat plan. I was inspired by the magazine NME, which featured a small character profile on their double page spread for their chosen artist. I'm also thinking about adding 'Baby Photos' to show the audience how it is that Toby has progressed. From loving education to, pretty much leaving it. 
Double Page Spread #3

For my final flat plan for the double page spread, I added colours, and drew in more graphics such as; banners, pull quotes and a character profile. I was inspired by the magazine Kerrang where they had a banner on their front cover, and so I moved that to the double page spread. I will be using that banner to inform the audience of where Toby will be performing next. I also drew in some photos of how I want Toby to be modelled. I also added what information I want the character profile to contain. I am going to aim to ask Toby questions such as his name, age, favourite colour, who inspires him, hobbies etc. Hopefully my end product for my double page spread will resemble this. 
Double Page Spread #4

Magazine's which inspired my dps;

DPS #2

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